Today at one of mine and Chris’ ‘Coffee Talk’ meetings he mentioned he hadn’t seen a blog in awhile.

Obviously, annoyed, I replied, “Uh, what do you mean?” As I was thinking, ‘they’re on our WEBSITE….HELLO!’ Much to my surprise as I went to prove him wrong and prove that I had been spending hours, writing, researching and coming up with oh so witty conversational pieces… I unfortunately saw that he was right, I was wrong. Which is hard for me to admit.

Most people who write probably agree with me that once a piece is finished and there is no longer any need to edit or review, you publish it, walk away and NEVER return to the work again because in your head it could have been written better, it’s too wordy, there isn’t enough information, there’s too much information and the list can go on and on…


I believe one of the hardest things to do in life is to just let go. We all have inhibitions and for the most part we either ignore our weaknesses or dwell on them. Rarely do we go above and beyond and learn to build off of what keeps us from reaching our full potential. With these blogs, it was easier to write, edit and schedule them to be posted. Instead I should have gone back to make sure they officially went online, but my inhibitions and self doubt kept me from making sure my job, my favorite part of my job, was even done; because the truth is, I cannot resist the urge to critique absolutely everything I do. I am harder on myself than any coach has ever been. I expect the best, even if it’s just a daily blog.

Over the years this is one weakness I have been working on. I want to morph this part of me into a strength. I know that I will always be working on this fine attribute of mine because perfection and control seem to be two things that are inherently ingrained within my brain…. However, a simple conversation of, “where are the blogs,” brought me around to reality again… Why would I want to spend so much time writing and researching to not even have my pieces go out into the world? All because I didn’t want to go back and critique my work!? Now that is ridiculous.

Don’t let your fears and self doubt keep you from doing your best. Keep you from doing the one thing you love the most in life. If you throw your strengths out into the world, self doubt and all, I believe good will come to you, positivity will come to you & best of all, like-minded people will support you & lift you up when you need it the most.

So here’s to everybody with a weakness or self doubt, just remember to pull your head out of the sand and look around… Because honey, you’re not alone… Just think how beautiful the world would be if we could all admit when we’re wrong or receive a push to be our best selves every now and then?



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