Recently, we sent our first edition of our magazine to press!

We can’t wait for you to receive your first copy and we definitely want to hear what you think. This past month has been a whirlwind. Between finishing the blog, traveling to Texas and just our everyday work lives, we could not be more relieved to finish our magazine on time.

Whirlwind months aren’t always easy though… They come with their ups and downs. When you are traveling, connecting with businesses/clients and trying to create a magazine that shows who you are and who your team is…well, let’s just say it can be not only mentally exhausting, but physically.

With all of the organized chaos that surrounded us, what kept us grounded was our deadline. Our magazine could not have been completed without the deadline. I honestly believe this was the most important factor when producing our new project. There is something about deadlines that keep people motivated and terrified. Me, I lie somewhere in the middle. I am never terrified of missing the deadline, I’m more terrified of reaching the deadline and not being completely confident in the work I have created. So, where does my motivation come from? It’s pretty simple, make something I feel gets our message out & helps people in our community.

I have had to learn to let go of the perfectionist in me (as much as that is possible) and embrace the message I want to get across to our audience. I had to ask myself, “What do I want to accomplish with our company magazine?”

Was it the most beautiful graphic or perfect photo placement?…No…Don’t get me wrong, that would be great for our magazine but that isn’t the POINT. So, this last month Megan’s perfectionist took a backseat and even though there was anxiety and exhaustion I couldn’t be more proud to introduce our first issue to you.

We really want to keep this conversation going, so tell us, what is something that you feel keeps you from reaching deadlines? We would love to hear! Especially if you’re a ridiculous perfectionist like I am…



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